Game Summary

This game is a third-person adventure featuring a blend of stealth, and exploration mechanics set in a dynamically generated natural environment. Players control a character who can move, sprint, jump, crouch, and interact with NPCs, all the while managing a stamina system that depletes during sprinting and regenerates over time. The game world consists of areas filled with grass and forests, with grass areas serving as hiding zones to facilitate stealth gameplay against patrolling enemies. The AI-driven enemies chase the player upon detection but enter an alert state if the player is hidden, adding tension and strategy to player movements. Captives within the game can follow the player and contribute to the score, which is an integral part of the game's progression.

Keyboard Controls:
Movement: WASD keys to move the character forward (W), left (A), backward (S), and right (D).

Sprint: Hold the left Shift key while moving to sprint, consuming stamina.

Jump: Press the Spacebar to jump. Double jump is enabled if the character is already in the air after the first jump.

Crouch: Press and hold the Left Ctrl key to crouch. While crouching, the character moves slower but is less detectable.

Interact: Press the E key to interact with objects or NPCs in the game, like opening chests or toggling captives to follow.

Camera Look: Mouse movement to rotate the camera around the character.

Pause/Resume Game: Press the Escape key to pause and un-pause the game.


Games Programming 1 module assignment #1 @ Goldsmiths University of London

This game is intended to be a de-make of the "Grey Scout" title by Sockpop.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsDemake, Prototype, Singleplayer, Stealth, Unity


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Sweet!!! Love the design on the enemies :) look mad af!